Friday, September 07, 2007


In The Archers, Matt Crawford doesn't have a son. Or if he does, he has no presence. If only the same could be said for the fictional Matt Crawford here in Not Ambridge. Matt jnr is a physically imposing, unpleasant bully. One day last week, for no apparent reason, he telephoned a retired councillor (both Parish and District) and ranted at him for his (the retired councillor) constant attempts to block his and his father's philanthropic attempts at helping people onto the property ladder.

Our RC (retired councillor), being that sort of chap, invited the aggrieved party around to better explain his views.

Some few minutes later, Matt jnr arrived and duly punched our RC on the nose.

The police were duly called and Matt jnr spent the night at Her Majesty's pleasure. There being no witnesses, this is likely to be the end of the matter.

None of this; young man punching old man, police attending a small village miles away from a police station out of office hours and then the case going no further would ever happen in Ambridge. Too messy, too many loose ends, incredible plot line.